A few observations as MLB's showdown gets underway...
1) I don't think there's anything Joe Buck can say to make me like him. Not even something along the lines of, "The Mets are the greatest team ever, and man, I can't wait to get to Giants Stadium next month to see Tiki," would make up for all the Jeter man-love.
2) HOW can like all of the Mets pitchers go down at the same time? And how can that time be late-September? We're going to start a rookie!! There's clearly no god, or He's on the side of the American League. Isn't it enough that they get an extra hitter?
3) The weather in October is the greatest weather of the year. No matter what it does, it's never too hot or too cold. It's
always right. If it gets a little warm, you're reminded of the good parts of summer and not the swampthing you became every night on the walk home/time in the car waiting for the a/c to kick in. If it's cool, it's great! And what's cooler than being cool, "ICE COLD!" Which never happens in October, so all you need's a sweater. It's the bomb.
4) The finale of Project Runway and the start of the Bachelor, with most of the games conveniently scheduled in between! All my favorite reality TV all at once...
5) I love the smell of
Republican implosion in the morning.
6) I'm really hoping for Twins-Mets in the Series. If it winds up Padres-A's, please point me in the direction of the nearest Caps game. Thanks!
Also, it's my young friend Darren's birthday today. Glad he finally caught up to us old folk so we don't have to keep trying to sneak him into bars, happy birthday yo!