Sunday, October 09, 2005

Weekend Update

Right now the Angels are winning, seventh inning stretch. No offense to Cheryl, but WOO-HOO! I made a comment to similar effect about Karl Rove while in mixed partisan company, and I think I came off much meaner than I intended to. Somehow, the Yankees and Karl Rove inspire the kind of anger that make me forget my manners and sense of judgment, and I really don't think there's a single other thing that makes me do that over less.

I watched the Last of the Mohicans (beautiful movie) on Encore tonight and at the end, over that beautiful shot of the mountains, Encore put up a chyron that next up is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Ack.

This was a movie filled weekend, so, bear with me... I also saw this movie called Spring Forward, really interesting. It was about two parks and rec guys in New England working together over the course of a year, one a young former con the other an older guy near retirement, and I really liked it. Not a whole lot happens, but it's a movie told from a guy's perspective in a way that doesn't happen all that often. Movies about guys seem to be either Terminator or In The Company of Men - you're sexual louts or killing machines - it's quite unfortunate. As a girl, it seemed like a side that isn't out there all that often. Boys, feel free to tell me different. Then I turned to girl stereotype extraordinaire Cinderella. The special edition DVD is great. And the bonus features have interviews with the ACTUAL VOICES of Cinderella and Prince Charming. Really odd to hear "So this is Love" coming out of a real person's head.

I don't think I'm cut out for online dating. Why is it less creepy to kiss a complete stranger in a bar than it is to kiss someone I thought well enough of while sober to agree to a date? It can't ALL be alcohol.

Ooh... Gary Thorne (or is it Dave O'Brien?) is practically doing Bernie Williams' obit.

Bye weeks suck.

And on a much more serious note, we've probably all given to the Red Cross once this year, and I'd urge everyone to do it again for the tragedy in Pakistan and India.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why won't you hook up with me?

4:56 PM  
Blogger lunchbox said...

There are two key factors here... a) Are you sitting on Darren's lap? and b) Am I drunk? Meet these requirements, and there may be some hope yet.

7:15 PM  

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