Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Outrage can make you do crazy things.

Like post at work! I got my weekly iTunes new music e-mail today, which usually just makes me want to buy everything, but today, it made me want to yak up my turkey chili. Here's what it said:

"Four years after splitting with multi-platinum band Creed, former lead singer Scott Stapp is back with his long-awaited solo album, The Great Divide."

...Underneath a big picture of his ugly head. NO ONE has been waiting for Scott Stapp to release an album. In fact, we've all just been patiently waiting for the day when Higher is finally eradicated from the airwaves and can no longer torture the good people of the United States.

Now that that's out of my system, back to work...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott Stapp and Creed are the most wretched filth to ever get airplay anywhere ever. Carry On.

5:10 PM  

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