Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fine, fine... I'll post. Jerks.

In the spirit of the holiday season I offer you this lovely shot of my big arse fake Christmas tree, as seen from my couch. Lovely, ain't it? I realized as I was decorating that it's a very NY tree, including a Rangers puck ornament, a sparkly glass version of the Chrysler Building, three "I Love NY" balls and some martini glasses, which makes me quite happy. It brings me joy to think that even in celebrating Christmas one can still celebrate urban life and alcohol. I should try to find some sort of Washington ornament though (since the one Washington adornment my Hoboken tree had, Olie, stayed behind in Hoboken...), don't want my tree to look like it has any regrets, you know?

In other news, here's a short list of stuff that's happened since Halloween (i.e. last time I posted):

1. I got a digital camera. Hooray!
2. The Democrats took back the House AND the Senate, and now, instead of being concerned about the health of a very good man, people are talking about how his potential inability to serve may affect that balance of power, which makes me very, very sad. My prayers are with the Johnson family right now, I hope yours are too.
3. I started a MySpace page. God help me.
4. I went to Guatemala! It was awesome and there were monkeys and probably everyone reading this got the stupid long e-mail about it, so I'll stop there.

5. The guy got on a snowboard for the first time and my lesson actually taught him something. I didn't think I was even remotely useful to anyone except myself on a board.

6. Apparently, I did not learn how not to screw up the spacing on blogger.

7. Zero Christmas shopping has happened between then and now. This is very, very bad.

8. I saw all of my brothers in the same place at the same time, which pretty much makes up for almost everything crappy that's happened this year. In other family news, My niece learned to forward. Anyone have tips on how to politely tell a 12 year old not to send you chain letters?

9. Weingarten stopped chatting. This has killed a major source of procrastination for me. I'm very, very sad.

10. Last night, in a matter of hours, I completed the Washington Post Sunday Crossword puzzle. This is only the second time I've finished one in a day, but to do one in an evening? That's unreal. Perhaps this year I've killed fewer brain cells than I thought. You can give it a go at the link above, and maybe if you call me, I'll give you answers for slightly less than 95 cents a minute.


Blogger Funkmeister said...

i too have problems with spacing on blogger, so don't feel bad. and thanks for coming back to the blogosphere, though i did read this morning that over 200 millions peeps that have blogs (worldwide) have stopped posting. thanks for not becoming a statistic!!

10:31 AM  
Blogger Els said...

Yay!!! Jenn's blog is back!!

I too am disheartened about Weingarten's chat ending. I heart Gene! Who will I turn to with questions about VPL and the Flash?

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep an eye out for stray pucks... no one is protecting that tree!

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call a blog entry!

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what this means now that you're blogging again? the time person of the year is You. congratulations.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, your fake tree is hot.

5:02 PM  

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