Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yeah, I know... I suck.

So, I've been busy lately. Sorry 'bout that, dear readers. There's just too much for me to explain it all. Awesome weekend with Ellen, Darren and (I'm very grudgingly admitting this) J around. There was beer, Five Guys, more beer, more beer, some mozzarella sticks, more beer, dancing, late night at my place, the Humpty Dance at My Brother's Place, Sunday afternoon on the rooftop terrace at Old Glory, good times all around.

This week? Madness at work, mejor stress out for no good reason, but tomorrow I get to go to the Mets game with CNN dude, and hit Cactus Cantina, and that makes life ever so muchly much better. Then I get to go rock the Island with the fam. It's all good.

That's all I got. Outtie like five g's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the two onion rings, the king-size snickers, the water, the more beer, and the guy with the sunglasses inside the bar at 1 a.m.... he was my favorite.

Why didn't we go swimming again?

11:06 AM  

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