Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Blogger block...

I have a lot to say, but I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to say it, so I apologize to my dear readers for the silence on the blog lately.

However, I will get this out of the way since a rant seems to get conversations going in this piece... Super Bowl commercials are really freakin' dumb. I can't believe the amount of money that's just burned up on these hideous things when there are much better things that money in such quantities could be spent on (I don't know, a tent or two in Pakistan, some levees in NOLA, more firefighters in the OC...). Really, are procreating monsters worth $20 million? I doubt it. And I bet Pepsi feels real dumb having paid all that money for "Brown and Bubbly." Those are possibly the least appealing qualities of cola, the ad will die quickly, and all those millions are just gone into the ether. Man we suck at managing resources in this neck of the woods... burn all our oil, waste all our money, go back to our mcmansions in the sky... sigh.


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