Mei Xiang must be Chinese for jungle gym...

It's been a while since I've updated everyone on the exploits of the panda, but he's been very interesting lately. I was watching him last night, and poor Mei Xiang was trying to get some decent sleep, but Tai was having none of it. He was climbing all over her, she'd swat him off and he'd come right back and climb some more, and this morning he was doing the same thing. She would start working on some bamboo and he climbed all over her. So she'd walk away and Tai would hang on, front paws on her back while walking sideways on his hind legs. He followed her all over the yard, and whenever he did actually succeed and make it all the way to her back, he'd slide right off. So cute...
Went to go see him with George and Meg on Sunday, he was awake and being totally playful, the weather was awesome, it was such a nice day at the zoo. That's my favorite picture from that day, little Tai lounging on a tree... aw... Thanks to George for the picture!
A non-aw moment from the last few days... did anybody see Ryan Whitney stab Alex Ovechkin in the crotch last night??? Seriously uncool. From
"Ovechkin was also at the center of mini-controversy. Pittsburgh defenseman Ryan Whitney received a spearing major and a game misconduct as time expired in the second period for shoving his stick into what appeared to be Ovechkin's midsection.
The 20-year-old laid on the ice for several minutes after the hit while Whitney fought Brian Willsie and the officials handed out penalties. But Ovechkin returned for the third period.
'I don't know if its cheap shot or not,' Washington defenseman Brendan Witt said. 'We'll have to see the replay. Ovi's a tough kid. It takes a lot to get him down. If it's a cheap shot, we play them on the 11th [of February].'
Ovechkin declined to speak with reporters after the game."
The replay's pretty clear, it was definitely a cheap shot. It's not good hockey to stab a guy in the nuts, and it's not good hockey to play a dirty game in retaliation. This sort of play can escalate to Bertuzzi-like proportions and undermine the amazing things an Ovechkin v. Crosby game can produce. I just hope the coaches can talk some sense into their fourth lines before Feb. 11 rolls around.
Awwwwwwww, PANDA!!!!!!
Where's Craig Berube when you need him? Did you See Ovechkin's goal last week? Ridiculous
YAY Boston U hockey ryan whitney. that's some good jack parker teachin right there....when you're a big doofy defenseman, go for the crotch!
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