Saturday, January 07, 2006

Saturday morning, at home?

It's crazy, I haven't been home on a Saturday in WEEKS (but not Kevin, BOOOOO). I don't know what the hell to do with myself. Except maybe watch some football, drink some coffee, clean up a little? It's weird. Birthday celebration later though, woo-hoo!

I had a good week though, kept up with my resolution not to be late (with a margin of error of +/- 5 minutes, I'm a survey methodologist, I NEED a margin of error), did a nice job of not spending ridiculous amounts of money on lunch or dinner, and I finally figured out where Scrubs lives in the NBC lineup, it was good.

Now tomorrow on the other hand, there are things to be done. Step 1, church, the early service so there's enough time to process my request. It's crass, but it's the playoffs, I'll be praying for the G-men. Step 2, work. Crosstab setup will surely take my mind off football until the game starts. Step 3, watch the game and try to keep my head from exploding. I might have to watch this in public so that I don't scream too loudly. Step 4, TBD. Depends on how the game goes. I'll let you know.

Happy wild-card weekend everybody!


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